The French Hydrotechnical Society (SHF) awards the Jean Valembois Prize every year, in partnership with Électricité de France.

This prize is awarded every year to French-speaking doctoral theses or theses delivered by a French-speaking university dealing with incompressible or weakly compressible fluid mechanics in all its applications to industry and the environment, particularly in the presence of mass transfer, heat, reactions … or interactions (soil, structures, living environments) …, defended between September 1, year n-2 and December 30, year n-1

Highly expandable flows, such as combustion, are not in the scope of the award.

The jury will appreciate scientific studies that highlight innovation, present a technical-economic or societal interest, and open up development possibilities in France and abroad.

The quality of the scientific work as well as that of the thesis will also be criteria appreciated by the jury.

The jury that awards this prize is composed of specialists chosen by the board of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the SHF. It is chaired by the President of this Committee or his permanent representative, assisted by a representative of Électricité de France.

The Laureates



Extreme hydrodynamic impact against buildings



Liquid-gas flow, evaporation, crystallization in micro and nanoporous media.


Guillaume PITON

Control of the solid transport of Alpine torrents by the dams of torrential correction and the beaches of deposit.


Morgan ABILY

High resolution free surface hydraulic modeling. Use of high resolution topographic data for flood risk characterization in urban and industrial environments

Edouard IZARD

Numerical modeling of dense granular flows immersed in a fluid.



A new incompressible SPH model: towards application to industrial cases


Sylvain RAYNAL

Experimental and numerical study of ichtyocompatible grids


Hussain NOURI

Experimental study of the flow and interaction between two subsonic counter-rotating rotors.



Improved modeling of nonlinear wave-wave interactions in spectral sea state models



Study of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in microchannels



Generalization of the second gradient method to binary mixtures and application to the direct numerical simulation of nucleate boiling


Jean-Christophe BAUDEZ

Rheology and physico-chemistry of pasty sewage sludge for the study of storage and spreading



Dynamics of isolated gas pockets in permanent and non permanent horizontal flow

Call for Application 2020

Deadline for application 31 mars 2020

1 000 €

comment candidater ?

Les dossiers doivent parvenir à la SHF avant le 31 mars 2024. Il n’est pas possible de candidater deux fois pour la même thèse. Les candidats devront adresser par mail à la SHF les pièces suivantes :

  • une lettre de candidature précisant le périmètre choisi ( hydrologie, mécanique des fluides, sciences humaines et sociales), le titre de votre thèse, la date et lieu de soutenance, votre e-mail, vos coordonnées postales et numéro de téléphone,
  • un curriculum vitae,
  • un résumé ( 2 pages en français) du mémoire proposé,
  • le mémoire en version numérique (format PDF),
  • une note de synthèse ( 4 ou 5 pages) mettant en lumière les objectifs recherchés et les éventuelles difficultés rencontrées, les points forts de la thèse, ses applications et ses aspects innovants,
  • les avis des examinateurs ou rapporteurs, ainsi que le rapport de soutenance,
  • la liste des éventuelles publications parues dans une revue scientifique à comité de lecture.

Attention : il n’est pas possible de candidater deux fois pour la même thèse.

Vers la fin mars 2024, la SHF fait savoir à l’intéressé(e) si sa candidature est ou non retenue.

Les candidats retenus devront adresser à la SHF  2 exemplaires de leur mémoire (un papier + un numérique) et ses publications parues dans les revue scientifiques à comité de lecture.

Le jury se réunit pour délibérer entre mai et juin 2024.

Le lauréat s’engage à publier une synthèse de sa thèse dans la revue en OPEN ACCESS  LHB-Hydrosciences Journal  ( avec une prise en charge des frais de publication pour la SHF. Une vidéo (format 15/20 mn) produite par le lauréat sera mise en ligne sur le site Web de la SHF.

how to participate in the jean valembois prize?

Applicants will attach to their request a curriculum vitae and a summary (2 pages in French) of the proposed dissertation.

Only 9 candidates can be selected by the jury. They will be selected according to the first elements provided.
Applications must exceptionally reach the SHF before February 29, 2020.

Please note: it is not possible to apply twice for the same thesis.

In mid-June the SHF lets the interested party know whether or not their application has been accepted.

Successful candidates must send the SHF before June 30, 2 copies of their dissertation (one paper + one digital) accompanied by a briefing note (4 or 5 pages in French) highlighting the objectives sought and any difficulties. encountered, the strengths of the study, its applications and its innovative aspects. They are also asked to provide the defense report, thesis reports and a list of any publications relating to their work which have appeared in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

The jury meets to deliberate during the second half of 2020.

The winner will have the opportunity to publish a synthesis of his thesis in the review “La Houille Blanche”, an international water review.


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Nos manifestations entrent dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue

N’hésitez pas à nous demander une convention de formation via notre formulaire de contact.
(n° Formateur/Agreement number 11 75 02902 75)