With 600 members and numerous industrial and institutional partnerships, our learned society works to share knowledge, innovation and foresight in the fields of water science and engineering.

The SHF brings together industrialists, design offices, operators, public and private research centers and public players. It is a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary forum for all knowledge concerning water: scientific, socio-economic and technological knowledge of the sector.

The study sectors of the SHF concern all the fields of water: quantitative and qualitative resources, hydrology, hydraulics, fluid mechanics, hydrotechnical sciences, study of risks, hydroelectricity, hydraulic machines, new technologies at the service of water, hydromorphology, new renewable energies (marine in particular), simulation and numerical modeling.

This list also incorporates resource management, including social and environmental engineering as well as economic issues.

Training, knowledge transfer and networking are at the heart of the SHF’s activities. Conferences and seminars, publication of the international journal La Houille Blanche, distribution of technical works and white papers allow the members of our learned society to broaden the scope of their know-how and their practice.


Our events are part of continuing professional training

Inscriptions au séminaire (Construire) Le futur de l’eau dans la transition écologique

Nos manifestations entrent dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue !

N’hésitez pas à nous demander une convention de formation via notre formulaire de contact.
(n° Formateur 11 75 02902 75)



Nos manifestations entrent dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue

N’hésitez pas à nous demander une convention de formation via notre formulaire de contact.
(n° Formateur/Agreement number 11 75 02902 75)